
Obtaining the “CLIMATE NEUTRAL INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE” allows you to position your Organization, Product or Service and achieve an important differentiation in the market.


The increase in consumer sophistication and demand in the purchase process (expressing the preference for products and services with rigorously validated environmental credentials) increases the pressure ever more to obtain Certifications for your Organization, Products and Services. 2/3 of consumers prefer Organizations, Products and Services which are Certified.


CNIC Certificates

The CLIMATE NEUTRAL INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION is based on a process that allows to identify, Quantify, Reduce, Compensate and communicate the GHG emissions of your Organization, Products and Services.

At Footprint Consulting we follow the GHG Protocol which is closely aligned with ISO 14064 and PAS 2060 standards.

Based on your Organization’s needs, we help you to design your CO2 emission reduction plan and to choose the Offset Project that suits you most to make your claim for Climate Neutrality. We will adjust the certification method to your needs as shown below:


The Climate Neutral International Certificate presupposes a commitment to Quantify, Reduce and Compensate the respective Carbon Footprint. Universally recognized, the “Footprint Labels” are a clear visual sign of the Organization’s commitment for all stakeholders.